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Winter is the Best Time for a Chemical Peel: Learn About Your Options

Revive winter skin with a chemical peel.

The cold temperatures of winter aren’t always kind to your skin. During the winter months, you may need to pay extra-close attention to your skin care regimen, using thicker moisturizers and drinking lots of water to keep your skin hydrated.

There’s also another skin treatment option to consider while the weather’s still cold. Chemical peels can not only address winter skin blues; they can get the largest organ of your body ready for summer.

Medical and cosmetic dermatologist Allen Sapadin, MD, offers chemical peels in-office to revive the natural health and beauty of your skin. He provides different levels of peels to address a multitude of skin flaws that affect your appearance and self-confidence, including poor tone and unhealthy texture.

Why chemical peels work so well

Chemical peels involve the application of a special chemical solution on your skin to exfoliate away the dull, dead skin cells that make you look older than you are. After the old skin is gone, the healthy new skin just underneath can shine through, free of flaws and as fresh as when you were younger.

There are three different levels of a chemical peel that Dr. Sapadin uses to address issues like:

The treatment can also improve your overall skin texture and tone, leaving you with a vibrant, refreshed appearance.

Choosing the level of chemical peel

To best determine which type of chemical peel is right for you, Dr. Sapadin evaluates the overall health of your skin and discusses the issues you want to tackle with a chemical peel. He offers the three most common levels of a chemical peel:

If you’re looking for a quick way to improve your skin tone and texture, the light peel may be right for you. A chemical solution of alpha-hydroxy acid gently removes the outermost layer of your skin without much irritation. A light chemical peel can also help fight light wrinkles and fine lines.

If you want to treat deep-set wrinkles or erase acne scars, a medium peel may be best. Trichloroacetic acid removes two layers of skin to reveal the healthier skin underneath.

A deep chemical peel is the strongest level, often beneficial if you have severe acne scars or precancerous lesions that affect your self-esteem. This level of peel removes three layers of skin and is done while you’re under anesthesia to keep you comfortable.

While highly effective, a deep peel should only be done once in your lifetime to prevent health complications. Light peels are safe on a monthly basis, and you can receive two to three medium peels a year to maintain younger-looking, healthier skin.

Schedule your chemical peel in winter

Chemical peels are an ideal way to get your skin ready for summer fun. You should schedule peel appointments during the winter months, when you’re more likely to be indoors and away from the sun’s harmful rays. This gives you plenty of time to allow your skin to heal after a peel treatment.

Light and medium peels can take a week or two of healing before your skin returns to normal. These peel types cause some redness and irritation, which you may not want to show off to others. But in just a few weeks, your new skin appears much healthier and vibrant, and you’ll be ready for anything.

With a deep peel, you can expect a longer recovery time. Typically, it can take up to a month for your skin to heal after a deep treatment, and you need to wear bandages and apply medication regularly to prevent infection.

Any level of a chemical peel will make your skin more sensitive to the sun. By scheduling your peel appointment in the winter, you can enjoy your recovery time indoors when it’s cold out. By the time the warmer temperatures arrive, you and your skin will be able to enjoy the outdoors, looking younger and healthier than ever.

Find out more about the benefits of a winter chemical peel by calling our Hackensack, New Jersey, office or using the online booking feature.


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